Music streaming sites have changed the way we listen to music by making every music widely and economically available anywhere through digital technology. Music after all is universally appreciated but was largely exploited by the music-making industry much to the detriment of music lovers. Today, people can listen to nearly all types of music as their choices are no longer limited to the selections being promoted by record companies and broadcasters.
Actually, music streaming disrupted the businesses of record manufacturers as we can now listen to quality music anytime and anywhere. Streaming sites offer broad selections for different music genres, whilst allowing music lovers create their own playlists at no costs.
Moreover, music streaming platforms make it easier for users to search for their personal favorites when looking to create their playsuit. Based on results of machine learning analysis, streaming customers receive recommendations of old and new selections. Doing so allows platform users to discover selections from new artists, coming from all kinds of genres.
That being the case, new music artists also benefit from streaming platforms. Their musical compositions have increased chances of gaining positive exposure when recommended by the streaming site to their target audience.
Cons of Music Streaming Platforms
A drawback as far as listening to streamed music is concerned, is that platform users do not own hard copies that they can show as their music collection. Anyway, there are still producers of CDs and vinyl records, allowing those that consider it important to collect records of their favorite iconic music artists.
Although platform users can download their favorite music in their device, this option is available only to premium customers who pay monthly subscriptions. Downloading allows subscribers to create a playlist that they can access without need to login to the music streaming site, especially if Internet connectivity is not available.
Listening to Streamed Music at Zero Costs
While music streaming services is available at zero costs, freemium users have to listen to the advertisement of companies sponsoring the streamed music. As they say, “beggars can’t be choosers,” so they can’t complain about ads interrupting their listening pleasure.
Actually, there’s another alternative for freemium users; by using an app that allows them to access streaming sites at absolutely no cost. Although one still has to be careful when choosing to use this kind of app as it might also be capable of accessing sensitive data stored in your device.
Anyway checkout this new rokkr app that presents itself as a better alternative as it gives assurance about data security. Actually, rokkr app offers a bundle of content streaming services free of charge and of advertisements.
Although the app does not have curated lists of music, movies, games and other content that they can stream, it allows users to browse from bundles installed separately from the streaming feature. A rokkr download for the app is not available at the Google Play Store and will require modification in your device setting. Moreover, after installing the rokkr app, you also need to install a MediaURL.