Would you like to create a Free Music Download site, but do not know how and neither the risks nor what can be distributed on such a site?
The fact is that since many years ago music download sites have been very successful on the Internet and many people have downloaded and still download files in this way, so it is a segment that has the potential to receive many visits. Alternatively, you can hire web development services to get you started.
The Myth of NO Liability for Pirated Material
Some sites report that they do not store the pirated files on their servers, but that they only offer links that take people to the files and thus are exempt from any responsibility.
This is a myth that many people end up falling into. The fact is that the site in question is not doing piracy directly, but it is facilitating access to even the pirated material, so you can respond to the law in court.
How to Create a Free Music Download Site
But if you still want to create a Free Music Download site, whether pirated or not, follow these steps.
The first thing you should know is that virtually all hosting servers do not allow the storage of files that violate copyrights, since they also have responsibility for the files. Therefore, you will hardly find a hosting server, even if paid, to publish pirated files.
If the files you plan on distributing violate the singers’ copyrights, you should turn to file storage sites, such as A Drive, Share File, or File Factory to store your music files. After you upload the file to the chosen service, you will receive a URL that leads to the song, which you must add on your website for your readers to download the file.
Another way to distribute music files over the Internet is through torrents, which is nothing more than a small file that must be used with the right program, which contains information about the file to be downloaded and connects people worldwide who have the same file to share.
In this way, file sharing is done from user to user (just like you and me), without the need to store the file on servers.
How can I legally distribute music on my website
If you really think about distributing music on your website or blog, you should be aware that you will not be able to offer any type of material that is protected by copyright, which includes practically all the songs that are successful on radio, dance clubs, bars, among others. others.
But there are singers who are starting their careers or who don’t care for this fact, who allow their music to be freely distributed by any website or person. They are songs free of copyright.
If you are thinking of going this route, do a Google search for copyright-free music and find several sites that offer your work in this way. You can get the file URL or download the file again on your server or file storage service.
What punishments can I receive for violating copyright?
If you are already venturing or thinking about venturing into Internet piracy, know that cybercrime laws have become more severe. If you are convicted of piracy or a piracy facilitator, you can pay a fine and up to 4 years in prison.
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