Singers live for music. It is singing that makes them alive and feel their worth as an artist or a musician. Their voices are their “product” which needs to take care of.
People will patronize and love singers, of course, because of their amazing and unique vocal power. That is the reason why singers do everything just to be well all the time not just for themselves but most especially for their fans and all the people who will listen to their songs. They will do everything to maintain the quality of their voices. They will have everything to keep their voices in its perfect state. Most singers have their spray, not to sweet ginger candies, drink ginger tea regularly, do some vocalizations before using it to perform, and have a regular check up to see the actual condition of their throats. They also have a strict diet when it comes to their sugar intake and consuming cold beverages. Singers do not eat sweets on or during their free time. They also do not drink cold beverages especially right after their practice, rehearsal, and even right after the show. Yes they do eat ice cream but definitely limited.
However, sometimes, experiencing sore throat, clogged nose, and flu is inevitable. The change of weather and season cannot be stopped. Fortunately, a lot of remedies can be done for these to be removed or eliminated. Ways are already accessible. It is as accessible as searching for pest control services near me, because remedies to soothe itchy throats are now easy to find as well. In fact, you just need to go to your kitchen and look for ginger and lemon, boil some water and drink the tea while it is warm. You may also try gargling warm water with salt to eliminate the bacteria and make you feel better.